3.1 Building � Jeff, Vanessa
Jeff and Vanessa visited Kullman on 1/20.� Gave the architect (David Leger) the updated plans.� David said that it would be 2 weeks until the plans and elevations are complete.
Vanessa spoke to the Woodstock Planning Board.� Their schedule is currently full until March.
Jeff spoke to Mike North.� After the plans are done, we need to complete the lighting, landscaping and signage plans before we can get on the Planning Board schedule.
3.2 Finance Clerk � Jeff, Suzannah
3.2.1 Budget
3.2.2 Building Financing
Business Plan is in progress.� Should be done early next week.
Loan Agreement to be reviewed.
3.2.3 Fund Raising Car Raffle � LuAnn, Janice Magic Tournament - Vanessa
Janet thought that it would be a good idea to have a back sale at the tournaments.
3.2.4 Donations
Donation letter to be reviewed.
3.3 Official Authorities Clerk - Sheri
3.4 Staffing Clerk - LuAnn
Planning on 4 fulltime staff and 1 office person.
3.5 Marketing Clerk � LuAnn, Janice
3.6 Enrollment Clerk � Ruth, Ariella
Move to set the minimum tuition at $50 per student and $75 per family.� PASS
Move to set the 2003-2004 school year tuition at $5500 for the first student in a family, $3000 for the second student in a family and $2000 for the third, etc. student in a family.� PASS
Move to change the staff pay structure from hourly to salaried.� PASS
Contact Information
School Information
US Mail:
PO Box 159
West Hurley, NY 12491