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Beginning Java Web Services
by Henry Bequet, Meeraj Kunnumpurath, Sean Rhody, Andre Tost
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Professional Java Data: RDBMS, JDBC, SQLJ, OODBMS, JNDI, LDAP, Servlets, JSP, WAP, XML, EJBs, CMP2.0, JDO, Transactions, Performance, Scalability, Object and Data Modeling
by Thomas Bishop, Glenn E. Mitchell II, John Bell, Bjarki Holm, Danny Ayers, Carl Calvert Bettis, Sean Rhody, Tony Loton, Michael Bogovich, Mark Wilcox, Lin Kelly Poon, Nitin Nanda, Rick Grehan, Matthew Ferris, Kelly Lin Poon, Nitin Nanda
Publication Date: Jun 1, 2001
List Price: $59.99
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Flying South. (Editorial). : An article from: WebLogic Developer's Journal
by Sean Rhody
List Price: $5.95
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Pattern matching. (Editorial). : An article from: WebLogic Developer's Journal
by Sean Rhody
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Portal to the world. (Editorial). : An article from: WebLogic Developer's Journal
by Sean Rhody
List Price: $5.95
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How important is security?(From the Editor) : An article from: Web Services Journal
by Sean Rhody
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Management 101. (Editorial). : An article from: WebLogic Developer's Journal
by Sean Rhody
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Web services & WebLogic: becoming an integral part of the J2EE server landscape. (Editorial). : An article from: WebLogic Developer's Journal
by Sean Rhody
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The whole package.(Editorial) : An article from: WebLogic Developer's Journal
by Sean Rhody
List Price: $5.95
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Colonial workshop. (Editorial). : An article from: WebLogic Developer's Journal
by Sean Rhody
List Price: $5.95
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