Hudson Valley Sudbury School

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Professional Java Server Programming: with Servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP), XML, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), JNDI, CORBA, Jini and Javaspaces
by Sing Li, Paul Houle, Mark Wilcox, Ron Phillips, Piroz Mohseni, Stefan Zeiger, Hans Bergsten, Matthew Ferris, Jason Diamond, Mike Bogovich, Marc Fleury, Krishna Vedati, Ari Halberstadt, Andrew Patzer
Publication Date: Aug 1, 1999
List Price: $59.99
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38 New or Used from: $4.50
Professional Java Data: RDBMS, JDBC, SQLJ, OODBMS, JNDI, LDAP, Servlets, JSP, WAP, XML, EJBs, CMP2.0, JDO, Transactions, Performance, Scalability, Object and Data Modeling
by Thomas Bishop, Glenn E. Mitchell II, John Bell, Bjarki Holm, Danny Ayers, Carl Calvert Bettis, Sean Rhody, Tony Loton, Michael Bogovich, Mark Wilcox, Lin Kelly Poon, Nitin Nanda, Rick Grehan, Matthew Ferris, Kelly Lin Poon, Nitin Nanda
Publication Date: Jun 1, 2001
List Price: $59.99
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33 New or Used from: $1.34
Does J2ME have its legs yet? How to take advantage of mobile device programming. (Platform Support). : An article from: Java Developer's Journal
by Matthew Ferris
List Price: $5.95
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Associations of mortality and diabetes complications in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study report no ... al Research) : An article from: Diabetes Care
by Michael Cusick, Annal D. Meleth, Elvira Agron, Marion R. Fisher, George F. Reed, Genell L. Knatterud, Franca B. Barton, Matthew D. Davis, Frederick L., III Ferris, Emily Y. Chew
List Price: $5.95
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