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The Three Robots
by Art Fettig
Publication Date: Dec 1, 1981
List Price: $5.95
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4 New or Used from: $31.98
Special Edition Using Java
by Alesander Newman, Jerry Ablan, Michael Fergan, Amber Benson, Eric Blossom, Joe Carpenter, Luke Cassady-Dorion, Jay Cross, Simeon Greene, Suresh K. Jois, Ira Krakow, Kevin M. Krom, Mary Pietrowicz, Mark Waks, Gregory A. Walsh, Joseph Weber
Publication Date: Apr 1, 1996
List Price: $49.99
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29 New or Used from: $0.85
Only Golfers Know the Feeling
by Joe Carpenter
Publication Date: Jun 1, 1991
List Price: $7.95
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7 New or Used from: $0.49
Special Edition Using Java 1.1 (Special Edition Using)
by Joe Weber, David Baker, Joe Carpenter, Jamie Costa, Anil Hemrajani, Alan S. Liu, Jordan Olin, Eric Ries, Bill Rowley, Krishna Sankar, Govind Seshadri, Christopher Stone, Clay Walnum, Scott Williams, Andrew Wooldridge, Mark Wutka
Publication Date: May 1, 1997
List Price: $49.99
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16 New or Used from: $1.28
The Three Robots Find a Grandpa
by Art Fettig
Publication Date: Jan 1, 1984
List Price: $3.95
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4 New or Used from: $2.95
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