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Gender differences in attitudes toward women as sales managers in the People's Republic of China. : An article from: Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management
by Sandra S. Liu, Lucette B. Comer, Alan J. Dubinsky
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How Do Sales Managers Perceive Their Roles? [*].(Statistical Data Included) : An article from: Journal of Managerial Issues
by Rajiv Mehta, Rolph Anderson, Khalid Dubas, Alan J. Dubinsky, Sandra S. Liu
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Human metapneumovirus detection in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome.(Research) : An article from: Emerging Infectious Diseases
by Paul K.S. Chan, John S. Tam, Ching-Wan Lam, Edward Chan, Alan Wu, Chi-Kong Li, Thomas A. Buckley, King-Cheung Ng, Gavin M. Joynt, Frankie W.T. Cheng, Ka-Fai To, Nelson Lee, David, S.C. Hui, Jo L.K. Cheung, Ida Chu, Esther Liu, Sydney S.C. Chung, Joseph J.Y. Sung
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Special Edition Using Java 1.1 (Special Edition Using)
by Joe Weber, David Baker, Joe Carpenter, Jamie Costa, Anil Hemrajani, Alan S. Liu, Jordan Olin, Eric Ries, Bill Rowley, Krishna Sankar, Govind Seshadri, Christopher Stone, Clay Walnum, Scott Williams, Andrew Wooldridge, Mark Wutka
Publication Date: May 1, 1997
List Price: $49.99
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Effects of sorbitol dehydrogenase deficiency on nerve conduction in experimental diabetic mice. : An article from: Diabetes
by Donald Tat Fong Ng, Fuk Ki Lee, Zhen Tao Song, Nigel Alan Calcutt, Liu Wah Lee, Stephen S.M. Chung, Sookja K. Chung
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