Sudbury Creative Thinking Camp
Learn to think "outside the box"
Work in teams to:
Create a structure that holds weight...
Conquer and obstacle course for an egg...
Write a script...
Act out characters you create...
Design your own scenery...
Kids age 5-13 work in age appropriate teams!
All participants perform their own creations for family and friends!
Based on Odyssey of the Mind, a world wide problem solving competition.
6 separate 1-week sessions
July 7th to Aug 15th
9AM to 3PM
Each session will have a new focus so come for 1 week or all 6!
$225/session with discounts for multiple children.
A limited number of scholarships are available.
Download the Registration Form and the Medical Form
You will need Adobe Acrobat to read these forms, it can be downloaded for free from here: .
There are two parts to each week of camp, modeled after the Odyssey of the Mind program. Kids will be divided into teams. Each team will be given a "problem" to solve during the week. Each week there will be a new "problem" from one of the Odyssey of the Mind categories.
Different types of problems include:
- Mechanical/Vehicle - Teams design, build and operate vehicles of various size with various power sources to solve certain tasks.
- Technical - Teams are challenged to design and build innovative contraptions and incorporate artistic elements into their solutions.
- Classics - The creative challenge of this problem requires a solution that incorporates some element of the classical, taken from either literature, architecture or art.
- Structure - Teams design and build a structure using only balsa wood and glue. They test it to determine how much weight it can support - sometimes more than a thousand pounds!
- Performance - In this problem, teams present performances that revolve around a specific theme and incorporate several required elements.
At the end of each week the teams will present their solution to an audience. The camp participants, not the adults at camp, are the driving force behind the solutions. They will decide how they will solve their problem and how to implement the solution in a very short time period. It brings out creative ideas that you wouldn't believe!
The second part of the workshop allows for spontaneous solutions to short-term problems. There will be both individual and team problems each day that allow for verbal and hands-on interaction. The participants develop quick-thinking, creative and co-operative skills with this spontaneous portion of the workshop.
Bring the completed form to the Hudson Valley Sudbury School or mail it to:
Hudson Valley Sudbury School
84 Zena Road
Kingston, NY 12401
Click for Directions
For more information call the school office at (845) 679-1002 - ask for Carmen.