Hudson Valley Sudbury School

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Leapster Multimedia Learning System: Pink
List Price: $69.99
Price: $69.99
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Price: $69.99
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Price: $69.99
Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Accessories for Leapster Multimedia Learning System: Pink

Games and ToysLeapster Electronic Book: Reading with Phonics: Mole's Huge Nose$24.99$0.00 
Games and ToysLeapster Game: Dora the Explorer- Wildlife Rescue$24.99  
Games and ToysLeapster Educational Game: Disney Princess Enchanted Learning$29.99  
Games and ToysLeapster Case$17.99$2.00 (10.01%) 
Games and ToysLeapster Electronic Book: Finding Nemo$24.99$0.00 
Customers who bought this also bought:
1. Leapster Case
2. Leapster Educational Game: Disney Princess Enchanted Learning
3. Leapster Electronic Book: Finding Nemo
4. Leapster Game: Dora the Explorer- Wildlife Rescue
5. Leapster Game: Kindergarten
Product Details
  • Average Customer Review: 5.0 Based on 1 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 528

Customer Reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

5EXCELLENT!!!, Mar 21, 2023
We have an original version for my 3 year old son, his 6 year old sister fell in love with his and they were "sharing" the one - it was a well thought out decision to buy a second, only I was concerned with making sure which belonged to whom. The pink version was the perfect solution! Great addition to this family of super star toys!

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