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Leapster Case
List Price: $19.99
Price: $17.99
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Price: $17.99
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Price: $17.99
Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Accessories for Leapster Case

Games and ToysLeapster Game: The Incredibles$24.99  
Games and ToysLeapster Electronic Book: Finding Nemo$24.99$0.00 
Games and ToysLeapster Recharging Kit$24.99  
Customers who bought this also bought:
1. Leapster Multimedia Learning System: Silver
2. Leapster Game: Kindergarten
3. Leapster Electronic Book: Finding Nemo
4. Leapster Recharging Kit
5. Leapster Game: Dora the Explorer- Wildlife Rescue
Editorial Reviews:

Editorial Review
This durable case is designed for toting the popular Leapster around on car trips, plane rides, or anywhere kids might travel. It holds up to six Leapster cartridges in a rear pouch and has room for the Leapster itself in the main zippered compartment, which sports a soft fleece lining. The case is relatively lightweight and doesn't feature the hard shell that some might like for protecting the Leapster but the soft plastic covering should provide protection for most accidental knocking around. --Charlie Williams

Product Details
  • Average Customer Review: 4.5 Based on 57 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 83

Customer Reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:

3Not the greatest, but will do...., Apr 1, 2023
I actually found this item on sale at walmart for $5.00, and so I purchased it. It works OK. True, there is not much "padding" and I am a bit scared to put cartridges in the back in fear that they might fall out, but I haven't had any problems with it so far. I WOULD NOT, however, speend $17 on this item. I wish that I could sell this item on amazon! I'd buy a bunch and sell em on here for $10.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

5A must have!, Mar 21, 2023
Along with absolutely LOVING our leapster, I love the case, too. I do find it protective enough (if it's not, then the kids aren't responsible enough to own the Leapster in the first place). It's sturdy enough to protect in case of an accidental drop and keeps any spills, etc., away from the leapter. Would it protect the leapster from a hard throw? Probably not - thus not for rougher kids.
I do agree with the reviewer who said the cartridge pocket should have a zipper - I'd feel a tad better knowing there was more keeping them in then just the velcro.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

4A Necessity, Mar 18, 2023
Overpriced? Yeah, most things are. (Hence, minus one star.) A necessity. You betcha. Having lost my child's first leapster to a few spills I was determined to protect my investment with the second. Though not a hard case as some would prefer, I would not do without this handy accessory. Not only does the case keep the leaptser clean and scratch-free, it has also endured many accidents. The handle is convenient and makes it simple for little hands to carry. In fact, kids can easily access and store the unit and games themselves...and the bonus feature? Everything stays together. No more searching for lost cartridges.
You paid alot for the leapster and the cartidges. This is worth having to keep everything intact and like new.

1 of 8 people found the following review helpful:

3Starr Enjoys It, Feb 4, 2023
My little Starr received this as a Christmas gift and since she is soon to be 3, her favorite areas are the shape builder and musical tree. The only problem we have with the Leapster is the wand (pen). After caliberizing the toy at least three different times, it still does not register the center area of the games and we are now having difficulty with the color barn area. Overall, it is a great idea but the functions need to be checked a little more thoroughly.

7 of 8 people found the following review helpful:

5Absolute MUST!!, Jan 20, 2023
I was fortunate to receive the case as a bonus with our leapster. I would have been sceptical too if I had to pay that much. But I'm sure glad my 4 yr old has it. The case is the leapster "home" when not in use. It has been dropped down a flight of concrete stairs with no damage to the unit and the 5 catridges in the pouch stayed in placed. It is serving it's purpose and gets an A+ in my book.


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