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ExerSaucer - Ultra
Price: $79.99
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
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Price: $79.99
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Price: $79.99
Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Accessories for ExerSaucer - Ultra

Deluxe Jumperoo$64.99  
Diaper Genie 3pack Refill$14.99  
Infant Feeding Set$17.99  
Kick & Play Bouncer   
Baby Bjorn Original Carrier: City Black   
Customers who bought this also bought:
1. Deluxe Jumperoo
2. Kick & Play Bouncer
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Editorial Reviews:

Editorial Review
This Portable Fun Ultrasaucer is one of the most versatile and action-packed entertainers on the market. Loaded with eye-catching interactive toys and activities (there are 11 separate activities) designed to encourage hand-eye coordination and cognitive development, the Ultrasaucer also has some great design features that make life easier for mom and dad, like height adjustable legs, three flip-down feet for stationary play, and a very handy "fold" button so you can easily collapse the Ultrasaucer for compact storage or travel. Babies can bounce or rock on the saucer's wide plastic base, or spin around inside the saucer on the soft fabric seat. The Ultrasaucer is designed for use by children from 4 months of age until they can walk. --Chris Burns

Product Details
  • Average Customer Review: 4.0 Based on 346 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 111

Customer Reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

5Favorite at the moment, Apr 9, 2023
This is my daughter's all time favorite toy right now. I got it for her as soon as she turned 4 months old and even tho she was sick and unhappy, when I put her in this her face lit up with the biggest smile! Right away she was able to get all the way around to see all of the was great fun watching her as she figured out how each one worked and which is the best to chew on and which plays music. This is a great toy to get their brains working and to get their hand-eye coordination fine-tuned. It also keeps her busy for quite a while so I know I can just put her in eye range and get something done for myself during the day (like getting to eat lunch).

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

5Tons of fun for baby!, Apr 6, 2023
I bought this for my son when he was about 4 months old. I knew he would grow into it, but I had no idea just how much he would love it. He is now 6 months and he loves this. There are toys with varying levels of development so he seems to discover something new every few weeks. I love it, but most importantly so does he!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

5Evenflo Customer Service is Great, Apr 4, 2023
I had some of the same concerns regarding the jester toy on this toy. I contacted Evenflo and the customer service was great! The sent me out a replacement toy, which my daughter loves and also sent out a replacement castle. I mentioned that I had some concerns about the corners on top and they had already improved on the castle design based on consumer feedback. The new castle is great, a nice safe rounded top. I could not be more pleased with the toy and Evenflo!

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

2Not Entertaining, Mar 31, 2023
I bought this for my 4 1/2 month old son and returned it the next day. It is very bright and colorful and that is the only nice thing I can say. The only toy my son would play with was the frog. None of the toys moved, they were not eye catching, you could barely hear the music, and once the batteries die.....that's it. YOU CAN NOT REPLACE THE BATTERIES! This toy is not entertaining.

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

5Keeps baby busy, Mar 21, 2023
As a new,tired mom this is a great way to keep your baby occupied. Our baby loves this exersaucer because there are so many things to do. We haven't had any safety concerns and our baby has been using it for the past 2 months without any problems. It is wonderful for when I am home alone and just want a few minutes to relax - and she just laughs and laughs at all the fun entertainment. I would definitely recommend this to any mom-to-be doing their registry. Also, if you saw the Oprah baby shower episode, Cindy Crawford gave all the moms- to - be this exersaurcer.


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