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JDBC(TM) API Tutorial and Reference: Universal Data Access for the Java(TM) 2 Platform (2nd Edition)
by Seth White, Maydene Fisher, Rick Cattell, Graham Hamilton, Mark Hapner
Publication Date: Jun 11, 1999
List Price: $49.99
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47 New or Used from: $2.40
Jdbc Database Access With Java: A Tutorial and Annotated Reference (Java Series)
by Graham Hamilton, Rick Cattell, Maydene Fisher
Publication Date: Aug 1, 1997
List Price: $37.95
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20 New or Used from: $7.99
J2EE: Java 2 Enterprise Edition
by Jim Inscore, Rick Cattell
Publication Date: May 23, 2005
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1 New or Used from: $53.90
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