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The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling (Second Edition)
by Ralph Kimball, Margy Ross
Publication Date: Apr 12, 2002
List Price: $55.00
Price: $47.02  You Save: $7.98 (14.51%)
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
47 New or Used from: $37.62
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Price: $47.02
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
The Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit: Practical Techniques for Extracting, Cleanin
by Ralph Kimball, Joe Caserta
Publication Date: Sep 13, 2004
List Price: $45.00
Price: $42.09  You Save: $2.91 (6.47%)
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
47 New or Used from: $34.83
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Price: $42.09
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit : Expert Methods for Designing, Developing, and Deploying Data Warehouses
by Ralph Kimball, Laura Reeves, Margy Ross, Warren Thornthwaite
Publication Date: Aug 13, 1998
List Price: $65.00
Price: $55.37  You Save: $9.63 (14.82%)
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
49 New or Used from: $44.98
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Price: $55.37
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
The Data Warehouse Toolkit: Practical Techniques for Building Dimensional Data Warehouses
by Ralph Kimball
Publication Date: Feb 2, 1996
List Price: $55.00
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9 New or Used from: $19.88
The Data Webhouse Toolkit: Building the Web-Enabled Data Warehouse
by Ralph Kimball, Richard Merz
Publication Date: Jan 20, 2000
List Price: $60.00
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3 New or Used from: $37.50
The Data WarehouseETL Toolkit: Practical Techniques for Extracting, Cleaning, Conforming, and Delivering Data
by Ralph Kimball, Joe Caserta
List Price: $45.00
Price: $45.00  You Save: $0.00
Availability: Available for download now
1 New or Used from: $45.00
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Price: $45.00
Availability: Available for download now
Concevoir et déployer un data warehouse
by Ralph Kimball, Laura Reeves, Marigny Ross-Warren Thornthwaite
Publication Date: Oct 17, 2000
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Visible speech
by Ralph Kimball Potter
Publication Date: May 9, 2005
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1 New or Used from: $8.00
Data Webhouse: Construindo o Data Warehouse para a Web
by Ralph Kimball, Richard Merz
Publication Date: May 9, 2005
This product is not available through either Amazon or one of it's merchants. Check for Third Party New or Used below.
1 New or Used from: $63.00
Data Warehouse Toolkit
by Ralph Kimball
Publication Date: May 9, 2005
This product is not available through either Amazon or one of it's merchants. Check for Third Party New or Used below.
1 New or Used from: $40.46
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