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Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 5th Edition
by Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt
Publication Date: Aug 9, 2001
List Price: $141.95
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55 New or Used from: $48.50
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Price: $141.95
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Introduction To Heat Transfer
by Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt
Publication Date: Aug 10, 2001
List Price: $127.95
Price: $127.95  You Save: $0.00
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
32 New or Used from: $39.00
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Price: $127.95
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Introduction to Thermal Systems Engineering : Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Heat Transfer
by Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro, Bruce R. Munson, David P. DeWitt
Publication Date: Sep 20, 2002
List Price: $119.95
Price: $119.95  You Save: $0.00
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
66 New or Used from: $46.95
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Price: $119.95
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Fundamentals of Heat Transfer
by Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt
Publication Date: Mar 4, 1981
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1 New or Used from: $39.99
A Season for Poetry
by C. Amato, Stewart H. Bae, William M. Bartlett, David Boyd, Dorothy I. Brown, Gina Bucy, Evelyn Judy Buehler, George D. Clabon, John K. Crawford, Dale W. Davis, Joy Lynn Davis, Jim Dewitt, Gary A. Drury, J.B. DuVall, Amber N. Edsall, Katharine Ryder Gibson, Bernice Prill Grebner, Terry Lee Greger, Gerald Gullickson, C. David Hay, Margaret Heerdt, Mary Ann Henn, Ramon F. Jr. Herrera, Jo Louise Hoskins, Sherrie Hurst, Kay Ingebrigtsen, Michelle Jacobs, Billy J. Jeffries, Shonna Johnson, Abigail Jones, Joy Kelley, Kim J. Kennedy, Don Kilcrease, W.D. Kilpack III, Virginia Lemperle, David J. Moe, Helen Kelsey Morgan, Elbert R. Moses, Edith J. Mosier, Amy Nickol, Eric P. Nickols, Steve Nottingham, Kim Elizabeth Obara, Tina Marie Pfeiffer, Linda Presley, Joyce Primm, Clarence Ratcliff
List Price: $4.99
Price: $4.99  You Save: $0.00
Availability: Available for download now
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Price: $4.99
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Introduction to Heat Transfer: Iht : Introduction to Heat Transfer Set Only
by Frank P. Incropera, David P. Dewitt
Publication Date: Mar 1, 1996
List Price: $126.40
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1 New or Used from: $126.39
IHT: Interactive Heat Transfer to Accompany Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer Fourth Edition and Introduction to Heat Transfer Third Edition
by Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt
Publication Date: 
List Price: $56.80
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5 New or Used from: $12.93
Season of Dreams
by C. Amato, Stewart H. Bae, William M. Bartlett, David Boyd, Dorothy I. Brown, Gina Bucy, Evelyn Judy Buehler, George D. Clabon, John K. Crawford, Dale W. Davis, Joy Lynn Davis, Jim Dewitt, Gary A. Drury, J.B. DuVall, Amber N. Edsall, Katharine Ryder Gibson, Bernice Prill Grebner, Terry Lee Greger, Gerald Gullickson, C. David Hay, Margaret Heerdt, Mary Ann Henn, Ramon F. Jr. Herrera, Jo Louise Hoskins, Sherrie Hurst, Kay Ingebrigtsen, Michelle Jacobs, Billy J. Jeffries, Shonna Johnson, Joy Kelley, Kim J. Kennedy, Don Kilcrease, W.D. Kilpack III, Grayce E. Kuhn, Virginia Lemperle, David J. Moe, Helen Kelsey Morgan, Elbert R. Moses, Edith J. Mosier, Amy Nickol, Eric P. Nickols, Steve Nottingham, Kim Elizabeth Obara, Tina Marie Pfeiffer, Linda Presley, Joyce Primm, Clarence Ratcliff
List Price: $4.99
Price: $4.99  You Save: $0.00
Availability: Available for download now
1 New or Used from: $4.99
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Price: $4.99
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Measurement of High Temperature in Furnaces and Processes (Aiche Symposium Series)
by David P. Dewitt
Publication Date: Dec 1, 1986
List Price: $39.50
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2 New or Used from: $19.00
IHT/FEHT CD W/ User's Guide
by Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt, Theodore L. Bergman, Adrienne Lavine
Publication Date: May 15, 2006
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