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|  |  |  | Editorial Reviews:
Amazon.com The second edition of the JDBC API Tutorial and Reference provides a worthwhile tour of the new features in Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 2.0 and serves well as a reference to Sun's new standard for Java database programming. Once you open this book, it becomes quickly obvious that it is more comprehensive than the first edition. The new edition begins with an overview of the JDBC API, including its architecture and overall design. Beginners will also be pleased with a short breakdown of the Java programming language and SQL basics. Early sections of the book walk through an approachable tutorial of JDBC, concentrating on topics such as connecting to databases, retrieving result sets, manipulating records, and handling database transactions. There's also coverage of using stored procedures, including embedded SQL with SQLJ. The book then turns to new JDBC 2.0 API features, like scrollable cursors, updateable record sets, and batch updates. Experienced readers will appreciate how the authors show off JDBC 1.0 code before presenting these new features. An explanation of SQL3 data types supported in JDBC 2.0 follow the discussion of the API features. The book provides extensive support for finding and understanding recordsets and databases, including the use of the oddly named ResultSetMetaData and DatabaseMetaData classes, which have been greatly enhanced in JDBC 2.0. (You can now write Java code that customizes itself at runtime for almost any SQL platform.) Similar in spirit to the Microsoft OLE DB, the new JDBC 2.0 now supports rowsets, which let programmers work with any tabular data store from within their applications. Most of the book (over 600 pages) functions as a reference containing every JDBC 2.0 class. Presented alphabetically, each class comes with an introductory definition and a complete listing of its constituent members and methods (including deprecated APIs). Final sections include a guide to "SQL to Java" mappings and tips for writing JDBC drivers. Whether you are approaching JDBC for the very first time or are ramping up from JDBC 1.0, there is perhaps no better source for learning about the enhanced powers of the new JDBC than this "official" guide from Sun. --Richard Dragan |  |  |  | Product Details
- Paperback: 1059 pages
- Publisher: Pearson Education; edition (Jun 11, 2023)
- ISBN: 0201433281
- Average Customer Review:
Based on 16 reviews. - Amazon.com Sales Rank: 78275
|  |  |  | Customer Reviews
8 of 13 people found the following review helpful:
A difficult balance achieved, Feb 27, 2023 This is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of JDBC. It pretty much succeeds in being all things to all people. The chapters are verbose and well thought out - as befits a tutorial book - and each one is rounded off with a comprehensive guide to all the relevant JDBC API calls - as you would expect from a reference book.The example's are a little lightweight but nevertheless they work and they do illustrate the points being made in the text. I bought this book about a month ago to get me up to speed on Java's take on SQL and now find that, in addition to showing me the Java, I know twice as much about SQL as I did before. Well recommended.
3 of 11 people found the following review helpful:
A good, Concise guide, Dec 31, 2022 At last, a Java book that cuts through the nonsense, gives sound advice and examples and delivers what it promises. This is my number one choice as a JDBC reference.
9 of 13 people found the following review helpful:
The best resource for JDBC users, Sep 24, 2023 This book contains everything you need to create either simple or very complex database applications written in Java - a short introduction to relational databases and SQL language, very nice and understandable JDBC tutorial, complete reference manual of all JDBC 2.0 classes and methods, and several good examples how to use JDBC features in your applications.Actually, I would appreciate more detailed description of using distributed transactions, relation between JDBC and JTA and using EJB database components but the main purpose of this book is to cover the most common features of JDBC API - and this goal is definitely fulfilled.
7 of 11 people found the following review helpful:
Over All Good, But~~, Aug 22, 2023 Over all, the book is good. It explain the concept precisely and clearly. It is better than other related book available in the market. But there are some week point: 1. It is not for the very bignner. It assume you know something about ODBC setting. In the advanced part, it assume you know what distributed computing, EJB and JNDI is. 2. Some of the example can not be running through. such as the Applet example, and most of the example in server site connection(even though I know how to install EJB) 3. Part II is not worth the money, you can easily get these information in J2EE API online.
2 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
The best on the market, Jul 20, 2023 An excellent book. You should do the tutorials last, because the text will make more sense. I really enjoyed reading this book. It helped my jdbc skills really mature. The authors really know what their talking about. Everything in the book makes sense.
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