Spotlight Reviews
the best fashion/beauty/etc. magazine out there I adore this magazine. And, let me tell you, I am far from its average adoring fan. I'm 15, you see. Why, you, would a 15-year-old girl adore a magazine aimed at the (approximately) 20-50 age range? Well, it's missing all those annoying little traits that are so common to teen magazines, such as: 1) quizzes to determine if your crush is really "the one!" 2) sappy poetry 3) overmuch focus on pop stars (I'm sure we all know who I'm talking about there). So, if you just happen to be a teenage girl considering this magazine, I would highly recommend it... But most of you reading this are probably not teenage girls.
But anywho, here are some of the reasons why I love this magazine so much: It gives great advice. My favorite section is called "fashion 101." It picks a particular article of clothing (bathing suits, shorts, etc.) and says which styles are good for people with certain figure flaws (and gives photo examples). It also gives good advice on such useful things as packing for trips of different lengths, protecting your hair and skin from the sun, and more things of that nature. I don't usually care that much about what's going on with famous people, in music, movies, or anything, but this magazine makes them darned interesting. It never focuses overmuch on one person, either. In "The Look," the pages are themed to different types of styles (bohemian, frilly, trench coats, whatever) being worn by stars. They also have interviews, tours of famous peoples' homes (be they treehouses or mansions), and more that I'm probably forgetting. Have I mentioned the length? This is a pretty hefty magazine. Granted, there are a lot of ads, but they aren't terribly obnoxious. But back to the rest of the contents: there's a fair amount (not too much, not too little) of hair and makeup advice, which I don't use quite so much, but could come in handy should I ever decide to change how I do things. I realize this review may have been a bit disjointed, but I'll try to bring it all together now. In essence (did I mention the fun perfume samples?) this magazine is very balanced for what it is (as the cover says, a celebrity, lifestyle, beauty, and fashion magazine). Maybe it is a bit shallow at times, but I think most people (including myself) do not go to such a magazine for profound content. It's really great fun. I am seriously considering making a scrapbook (of sorts) for all the fashion/beauty tips that apply to me... =) Happy reading! My new favorite fashion magazine. I'm not really the kind of person who gets into the whole fashion/beauty faze, but "InStyle" is definitely one heck of a fashion magazine! It combines celebrity lifestyles with the latest fashion and beauty trends. There are great articles and interviews with your favorite celebrities; the clothes are (for the most part) gorgeous. With "InStyle" magazine, you can take a look into the home of Britney Spears, find out what the perfect clothes are for the right vacation, and get the latest tips on beauty. This is not some teenybopper magazine, either. It's a fashion magazine for adults. The pages are slick with glossy photos. There are plenty of ads, but "InStyle" is well-worth it. For all fans of fashion, beauty, and celebrities, "InStyle" is the must have magazine.
I highly recommend "InStyle" magazine. Score: 98/100 A+ Push Your Boundaries ... This magazine is great for helping you to WANT more... More style, more fun, more joie de vie... ... It is definitely great for shaking up a complacent lifestyle and helping you attain higher aspirations... ... Some other great ideas for women who want more out of life are the CD "Voice Lessons To Go" and the videos "New Sex Now" and "Goddess Worship" -- the last one is really amazing if you aspire to attain higher levels of intense sensual pleasure. ;>,