Best book on education and learning I have read. As a former teacher frustrated with the mediocrity andlimitations of traditional public schools, I find this book to beexciting and refreshing, offering hope that at least someone has theright idea. True learning is learner-driven, experiential, andfreeing.Socrates knew well that all knowledge pre-exists in us, andthat his job as a "teacher" was not to spew his ownknowledge, but to facilitate the learner to get in touch with the factthat they already know what they need to know, they just have to knowthat they know. Socrates merely reminded them of that. He was the"maieutic", the Socratic midwife, helping others toexperience the joy of learning. When I shifted my teaching style fromthe "Keeper of All Knowledge", to the "Midwife",the effects were monumental. Now here we have an entire school,successful since its beginnings in the 60's, operating solely on theseprinciples. Follow up books LEGACY OF TRUST: LIFE AFTER THE SUDBURYSCHOOL EXPERIENCE, KINGDOM OF CHILDHOOD, and SUDBURY VALLEY SCHOOLEXPERIENCE, examine the long term effects and personal reflections offormer students. As a parent, I spend significant time with bykids(AFTER their homework is done!)helping them pursue what intereststhem, trying to keep that flame of the adventure that is learningalive, following the principles I learned in thisbook... |