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Calculus With the Texas Instruments Graphing Calculator
by Frank G. Hagin, Jack K. Cohen
Publication Date: Mar 29, 1996
List Price: $20.40
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1 New or Used from: $45.95
Quantum Mechanics
by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Dui, Frank Laloe
Publication Date: 
List Price: $43.95
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3 New or Used from: $55.00
Testing Web Services
by Frank Cohen
Publication Date: Feb 1, 2003
List Price: $49.99
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by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu, Frank Laloe
Publication Date: Jun 1, 1997
List Price: $65.35
Price: $65.35  You Save: $0.00
Availability: Special Order
1 New or Used from: $65.35
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Price: $65.35
Availability: Special Order
Equal Shares: Making Market Socialism Work
by John E. Roemer, Richard Arneson, Fred Block, Harry Brighouse, Michael Burawoy, Joshua Cohen, Nancy Folbre, Andrew Levine, Meike Meurs, Louis Putterman, Joel Rogers, Debra Satz, Julius Sensat, William Simon, Frank Thompson, Thomas Weisskopf
Publication Date: Aug 1, 1996
List Price: $65.00
Price: $65.00  You Save: $0.00
Availability: Special Order
3 New or Used from: $65.00
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Price: $65.00
Availability: Special Order
Eczema in Children : A Guide for Parents
by David, Bernard Cohen, Md Cohen
Publication Date: Oct 15, 1999
List Price: $2.95
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A plan for the democratization of the factory
by Frank Cohen
Publication Date: May 17, 2005
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Contemporary Property Law
by Harvey Cohen, Frank Webb, Caroline Sawyer
Publication Date: Oct 1, 2000
List Price: $30.00
Price: $30.00  You Save: $0.00
Availability: Special Order
1 New or Used from: $30.00
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Price: $30.00
Availability: Special Order
Youth and Crime Proceedings of the Law Enforcement Institute held at NYU
Publication Date: May 17, 2005
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1 New or Used from: $49.99
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