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Build Your Own ASP.NET Website Using C# & VB.NET
by Zak Ruvalcaba
Publisher: SitePoint
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Edition: Paperback
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Product Details
  • Paperback: 763 pages
  • Publisher: SitePoint; edition ()
  • ISBN: 0957921861
  • Average Customer Review: 5.0 Based on 13 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 4108

Customer Reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

5Best ASP.NET book I have seen yet, Apr 26, 2023
There are a lot more pros to this book than there are cons. I will start with the pros.

1. The book pretty much "holds your hand" through getting your development environment setup.
2. The author develops a very intuitive real world example throughout the book, demonstrating the lessons learned in each chapter. The things you learn in the application will let you hit the ground running on any application you are looking to develop.
3. I think the part about integrating the application with paypal is a very useful chapter because paypal is what most people use these days to make online payments. The shopping cart feature he creates can be used as an "off the shelf" shopping cart for any business who has products they would like to sell on the internet.

Now for the cons....

1. Author uses notepad for development. Although this could be considered a pro to some people, the code gets quite tedious to type out (if you choose not to use the book files that can be downloaded from the website). It would be nice if the author could mention visual ever so often. I.e, in VS.NET, doing this is as easy as..... blablabla
2. One of the beautiful things about ASP.NET is that the presentation layer and logic layer can be seperated into 2 differet "files". The author chooses not to use code behind pages (which is standard practice in the real world), and puts all of the logic and presentation into one file. It would be nice to see the author at least demonstrate how a code behind page works.
3. Besides in the beginning when he explains the connection string for a sql server database, the rest of the examples use a hardcoded connection string to an access database. I realize that the author was probably aiming this book more towards those who probably don't have the resources (or funds) to purchase sql server, but in keeping with the "real world" feel of the application, I think the author should have focused more on using sql server as the DBMS.

The cons about this book aren't even that bad. I would HIGHLY recommend this book to ANYBODY looking to get a jump start in If you are like me and learn by example, then this is most definetly the book for you.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:

5Excellent first book for ASP.NET if you have VB.NET experien, Apr 21, 2023
I needed a fast tutorial for ASP.NET. If a person wants a great accurate tutorial this is the one. I think the prerequisites to using this book are: intermediate VB.Net Skills, Familiarity with IIS setup; intermediate SQL server skills.

I used Visual Studio.NET 2003 to work through the examples just to help with the typing of HTML code. Using Visual Studio, the user must watch out for HTML Visual Studio likes to add automatically. The added HTML can really mess up the tutorial out come.

It was a little painful going through the exercises but that's the nature of the technology (HTML) and learning a new technology in general. The user learns a great deal by fixing the errors that pop up.

The printing date of the book I received was February 2005 and it contains all the corrections and errata from the book's support website.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

5Good book for beginners and intermediate .NET developers, Apr 14, 2023
If you are looking at learning ASP.NET by hard coding then use this book. If you are looking at developing ASP.NET applications by using all the functionalities of VS.NET then go for ASP.NET KickStart by Stephen Walther.

For beginners I would suggest going for this book since it lets you get into the code which is very essential in understanding how things work in the .NET framework in general and ASP.NET programming in particular.

For intermediate developers (from other fields like Java, Classic ASP etc.) who already know the basics of Web programming and would like to know VS.NET in detail should go for Stephen Walther's book.

This book scores a point more in my opinion since it walks you through building an Intranet application while teaching you to program in ASP.NET.

2 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

5Great for what it is, Feb 20, 2023
This is a well written beginners book that gives simple and complete beginner's code.

5 of 8 people found the following review helpful:

5Absolute Beginners Only :), Nov 3, 2022
If you are professional ASP veteran you might not find this book 100% page-to-page useful, but still fun to read, explore and besides everything this book is a really good start from the bottom guide


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