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ImageLords of Madness : The Book of Aberrations (Dungeon & Dragons Roleplaying Game: Rules Supplements)
by Richard Baker, James Jacobs, Steve Winter
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Binding: Hardcover

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List Price: $34.95
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Rating: 4.8
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Rating: 4.5
Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Ships from: Cape Coral, Florida
Comments: Excellent condition Hard Cover. Never used. Great resource book. Free delivery confirmation.


Rating: 4.6
Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Ships from: Lake Hiawatha, NJ
Comments: Brand new book. Direct from Distributor. Order now. Selling books online since 1995. Few left in stock - order soon. Code: B20050421051910E


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Rating: 4.8
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Ships from: St. Paul, MN
Comments: Bought new. Very nice. Superb condition. Pages are 100% clean. No marks, tears, or folds. Book is sturdy, bright, smooth, clean. Excellent deal. 5 STAR quality/service!


Rating: 4.8
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Comments: Brand New! Save 30 - 50% off of retail Prices! Free package tracking, with delivery confirmation and e-mail notification of shipments.


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Ships from: Cedar Creek, TX
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