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The Sims PS2
Publisher: Prima Games
List Price: $14.99
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Edition: Paperback
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Product Details
  • Paperback: 112 pages
  • Publisher: Prima Games; edition (Jan 14, 2023)
  • ISBN: 0761540989
  • Average Customer Review: 5.0 Based on 2 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 340231

Customer Reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

5The sims, May 17, 2023
The sims a Game in which you build a home for 1 or more family members where you have to keep them alive for a sertan time. This game rocks! You get to decarate there houses and even make your own charaters and ever thing. So I rate this game a 5 star game.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

5The sims, May 17, 2023
The sims a Game in which you build a home for 1 or more family members where you have to keep them alive for a sertan time. This game rocks! You get to decarate there houses and even make your own charaters and ever thing. So I rate this game a 5 star game.


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