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Star Wars, Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
by Matthew Woodring Stover
Publisher: Random House Audio
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Edition: Audio CD
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Product Details
  • Audio CD: pages
  • Publisher: Random House Audio; edition (Apr 2, 2023)
  • ISBN: 0739318330
  • Average Customer Review: 4.5 Based on 133 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 1676

Customer Reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:

5Great Book - I bet it's better than the movie, May 9, 2023
I have been waiting for the "real" completion of this series for over twenty-five years so I was excited to hear that this book was coming out even before the movie. The last two movies have been decent but not up notch with the original movies leaving a lot of Star Wars fans somewhat dissapointed. Needless to say I'm betting that the next movie will be along the same lines.... good special effects and action scenes and horrible acting and monologue. So if the movie is mediocre at least I have this book to remember the conclusion of the series with.

Stover did a terric job detailing the actions scenes putting you right into the action. The monologue actually made sense and was very well written (unlike the last two movies) and he setup Anakin's decline perfectly. You could actually see and feel for the evil Darth Vadar and think to yourself.... I think I would/could have "fallen" as well.

Stover just did a terrific job with this book, the book is a perfect combination of action, actual plot, love story etc. I truely believe he did as good of a job as anyone could have with the script and has made me anticipate the movie even more.

If you are a Star Wars fan read this book before watching the movie. That way if the movie is not up to par you will have this book to help enjoy the conclusion of the series.

0 of 18 people found the following review helpful:

3About Soem Complaints, May 9, 2023
This is nto a review. ill review it when Ive finished it. Thats why I dotn rate it.

However, I know some of the problems withthe books reasoning.

Not the "Clintched Knuckels " one, thats stovers limited vocabularical issues.

Not the "This is what it feels like to Be anikan Skywalker" lines... I htink he did htse for dramatic effect...

bvyt the reaosn the wookie fight is Omited is simple. Lucas wants this to eb a surprise, the events of the battle promise to be among th ebes tint he film, and Lucas refuses to allow it int he Nivelisaiton, though rumour has it that he will allow it in after the film is released.

However, for now, because he doesnt want the wokie battle spoiled and wants soem surprises, it was taken out.

Likewise, soem of the small variantions, such as them sititng andnto standign durign the Dark side fo the force fireside chat in Palpatines office, is expaliend by the fact that Storver was oerkignwith a draft scirpt that was often changed slightly while filing, so some discrepancies aply. Likewise, soem changes occured DURING the filming, andmany whre just flat out direotal descisions, not int he written script.

Further, the actors may "Flip", and ad lib parts every nwo and then. Instead of refilmingmt he flubbed line is close enough so its lloeed. ( Or sounds better, whichever.)

The Yoda-Palpatine Sabre-battle I beelvie was sort also for the same reaosn the wookie fight was omited. To allow the visuals to speak for themselves. Largly this book was relase dbefore th emoviue for the sole purpose of amplifying peoekls desire to see th movie.

Keep that in mind.

1 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

5The end of the Repubic is now, May 7, 2023
The novelization of the "Star War:Revenge of the Sith" by Matthew Stover is a great book. The book opens with a battle between the Separatists and the jedi masters Obi-Wan Kenobi Anikin Shywalker. The battle is won by the jedi's, but Anikin fears for the future and the life of his wife Padme Amidala. The dark side rising and the fate of the whole republic is at hand.
This was a great book that makes me look foward to the movie. Its more darker than earlier movies, and that what makes it so great. The novelization was great. Can't wait for more.

3 of 5 people found the following review helpful:

4A Must Read for Depth of Character, May 7, 2023
I bought this book as a way of overcoming the anticipation. After reading it, I hope to not be disappointed by the movie. Yes, I know, that sounds dumb considering the author dogged Mr. Lucas for details as to character development and story. However, slight changes in detail, and deep character development, will make the book and movie provide their own way of going from point A to Z. For example, in the scene where Palpatine discusses secrets of the force to Anakin, the book version describes them as sitting during this discussion. The trailer shows them as leaning against a railing. This difference may not seem major, but look at the old saying. On another point, Darth Vader seems to be a tyrant for tyranical reasons in episodes IV, V, and VI. But Mr. Stover provides excellent narration and a deeper view of the tortured spirit.

The narrative asides add to the reasons why the characters behave the way they do, and bonds they forge within their environment. I hope to see all of it portrayed accurately by the actors. Any reader who enjoys poetry in narration will find the end bittersweet but inevitable. It provided me with a new perspective on the man behind the mask.

A worthwhile read for anyone interested in character development.

2 of 5 people found the following review helpful:

5Excellent but Sad, May 7, 2023
This is a brilliantly written book, perhaps the best written of the movie books. They really took the time to do it right and make it very high quality, with lots of important details and pefectly tieing in with all the other movies. It explains many things I had previously wondered about. The descriptions are totally real. I feel like I am actually there when I'm reading it. I couldn't stop reading til I was done. This is the saddest of all the six movie episodes by far. By the time you finish, there is nothing to cheer about, and many sad things to contemplate. Rather depressing, but a must-read nevertheless. However, I really disagree with the Star Wars philosophy that you have to be extremely moral, a saint, or else you're going to fall into a hellish life. I see nothing wrong with killing a defenseless villain, and I resent Star Wars and other fiction for making out that you're the devil if you do that.

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