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The Autobiography of a Seventeenth-Century Venetian Rabbi
by Leone Modena
Publisher: Princeton University Press
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Edition: Paperback
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Product Details
  • Paperback: 336 pages
  • Publisher: Princeton University Press; edition (Sep 1, 2023)
  • ISBN: 0691008248
  • Average Customer Review: 4.5 Based on 2 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 456462

Customer Reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

5An inside look into the life of a great Italian Jewish Rabbi, Jul 17, 2023
The Autobiography Of A Seventeenth Century Venetian Rabbi is a unique and interesting book. It is unique in that it is one of the only autobiographies ever written by a rabbi of such stature. The book is very interesting due to the inside view it gives the reader into Jewish life in the Italian ghetto at that period in history. Not often do we find such a marvelous first hand account of history.

Aside from the holistic historic perspective it gives, the personal life of Leon De Modena is an amazing story of survival. His tragic life is reminiscent of the life of Job. The book also gives us a clue of Leon Modena's genius and talents as an author, scholar, playwright and poet.

The book contains two parts; one, the autobiography itself (highly recommended). The other part consists of various essays on the autobiography, the author and the historic outlook.

In the essays Leon de Modena was portrayed as a typical product of the renaissance period. Leon de Modena was by no means "typical".

The essays also describe his autobiography as a characterless, objective perspective. In fact the book is full of personal feelings and emotions.

The lame attempt in the essays to define and describe Leon Modena's character is an understatement of the largest scale, bordering the term 'insult'. Leon Modena's life was so colorful that no artist can paint the colors, no writer can read his limits, and no book can define his character.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:

A spectacular insight to Italian Jewry and gehtto life
, Jan 15, 2023

The Autobiography Of A Seventeenth Century Venetian Rabbi is a unique and interesting book. It is unique in that it is one of the only autobiographies ever written by a rabbi of such stature. The book is very interesting due to the inside view it gives the reader into Jewish life in the Italian ghetto at that period in history. Not often do we find such a marvelous first hand account of history.

Aside from the holistic historic perspective it gives, the personal life of Leon De Modena is an amazing story of survival. His tragic life is reminiscent of the life of Job. The book also gives us a clue of Leon Modena's genius and talents as an author, scholar, playwright and poet.

The book contains two parts; one, the autobiography itself (which I highly recommend). The other part consists on various essays on the autobiography, the author and the historic outlook. In the essays Leon de Modena was portrayed as a typical product of the renaissance period. Leon de Modena was by no means "typical". Another flaw is the manner in which the essays portrayed his autobiography as a characterless perspective, when in fact the book is full of personal feelings and emotions. The lame attempt to define and describe Leon Modena's character which is found in the essays is an understatement of the largest scale, bordering the term 'insult'. Leon Modena's life was so colorful that no artist can paint the colors, no writer can read his limits, and no book can define his character.

For comments, contact: Eli Bernstein 6B Kobelke st. Dianella 6059 WA Australia


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