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Baby Einstein - Baby MacDonald - A Day on the Farm (2004)
Studio: Walt Disney Home Video
List Price: $19.99
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Price: $14.99
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Editorial Reviews:
The beauty of this entry in the Baby Einstein catalog is its integration of puppets, toys, and live farm footage to help babies and toddlers make the connection between their plastic play sets and stuffed animals with images of a real farm. As always, the spoken language is minimal, omitting the pesky verbs and adjectives that would confuse the very young. The 30-minute main program is divided into sections: barns and equipment, animals, planting crops, and harvesting. Background music ranges from "Old MacDonald" to Schumann, and DVD extras include a 6-minute puppet show and visual "discovery cards" identifying animals and farm paraphernalia with a single word. (Ages 6 months to 3 years) --Kimberly Heinrichs

Product Details
  • Director: Jim Janicek
  • Format: Animated, Color, Closed-captioned
  • Studio: Walt Disney Home Video
  • DVD Release Date: March 16, 2023
  • Running Time: 30
  • Language: E (E), D (D)
  • ASIN: B0000DJZC9
  • Average Customer Review: 4.5 Based on 56 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 238

Customer Reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:

5Baby night at the movies, May 18, 2023
Baby MacDonald is our baby's favorite DVD. It was love at first sight, the moment she saw it she was mesmerizes. She still stares at the TV screen in total joy when A Day at the Farm is on. The family knows every song and scene by heart, but the baby doesn't grow tired, she has mastered the DVD remote for this film. The cow puppet is the baby's hero but all the giggles go to the messy piggies jumping in the mud. The harvest music sends the baby dancing and clapping hands. Our show is to watch the baby watching Baby McDonald, we have seen it hundreds of times and so has the baby, but she is showing no signs of wanting to quit. He have tried other shows, other puppets and other brands just to see the baby yawn and take off somewhere else. This film does not appeal to older ones but is just perfect for those around 12 months. She loves it , we love it!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:

5Best of Baby Einstein, May 10, 2023
We have several of the Baby Einstein series and like this one the best. It has words with each visual of the farm, so it is more of a learning experience than the other videos that are simply music. This Baby Einstein uses both real visuals of the farm along with little puppet skits, not just puppets or toys like some of the other ones. I also like that it is teaching children where food comes from as I think so many children today have no idea where eggs or milk actually come from, just think it comes in a package. The Old McDonald song is also a hit with my 8 month year old. She recognizes it from me singing it and is one of her favorite tunes. I recommend this video.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:

4One of my son's favorites, Apr 15, 2023
My 16-month-old son really enjoys this one (almost as much as he likes Neptune and Galileo). He always giggles at the messy piggies in the mud puddle, and when they do "celebrating the harvest" he actually gets up and dances with the kids and puppets. I like that they show all different kinds of people farming/herding in many countries, not just traditional American farming of guys in overalls plowing huge fields with giant tractors...although my kid gets pretty pumped up when the tractors are on the screen. The footage of a plane flying over what looks like a tulip farm is amazing.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:

5My 20 Month Old LOVES this DVD!, Apr 8, 2023
Just when I thought my baby (who is 20 months) was too old for Baby Einstein, I discovered Baby MacDonald. She absolutely loves this video and will point to the TV and say, "moo!" because she thinks the cow puppet who is like the main character of the video is hysterical. This DVD especially came in handy when she had a bad ear infection and was really fussy. We normally don't allow her to watch a lot of TV, but make exceptions as needed. Baby MacDonald provided the distraction necessary to make her laugh (despite feeling so sick), dance, clap, and seem like her old happy self again. Of all the Einstein videos, this is by far my most favorite. She loves the "Old MacDonald" song and we sing it all the time. There are also a lot of extra viewing options other than the actual video that are educational and fun. The ONE AND ONLY complaint I have about the video is the ending... it ends a bit abrupt (aside from the calming music) with a truck being chased by a dog driving into the distance. I wish there was some character that said, "bye bye" or something more distinct to indicate the video was over.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:

4a great look at the farm scene, Apr 5, 2023
my son is almost four and he loved the baby einstein videos, though he is starting to outgrow them now. however, he will still watch them periodically. the ones like this, about the farm and animals and harvest, etc is great if you are not accostomed to farms in your area, which he is not. it really is a window to the larger world. i would recommend this to everyone with kids 4 and under. try a variety of the einstein videos. there are many sets out along the same lines as these that show worldly objects kids recognize, and present them in a way that makes it interesting to watch for young viewers in this age group. einstein is the original series of videos. i own many of them, and recommend them to everyone


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