Customer Reviews
1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
good begining, bad end, May 1, 2023 I loved it when I frist got it but when I finshed it I was so upset! WARNING dont be fooled by the first part!
6 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
The Sims: Bustin' Out! Amazon.Com Review, Dec 28, 2022 Hello, and welcome to my review of The Sims: Bustin' Out! I have recently purchased this game, which is also my first Sims game (second if you count the awful SimCity3000) and, although many kids my age describe it as "incredbly kool u will luv it," whatever that means, I must say that this game is incredibly cool; you will love it. Let's begin with some of the things that make the game so incredible.
The first thing that I will talk about is the Story Mode; entitled "Bust Out" in the game. Here you attempt to complete a large amount of goals to keep you busy. Or, if you're like me, as long as you make sure that you feed your Sim and keep him or her clean and happy, you can stay at Mom's house all the time and make all your money via the Great Big Adventure Japanese Arcade Cabinet (unlocked by connecting a Game Boy Advance to the GameCube and turning on the GBA). Explore tons of new locations like Dudley's Trailer, the slob's home, Mimi's Place, the cranky yet playful female's abode, Clubb Rubb, the hit dance club, and the Casa Caliente, the house of romance, in this gigantic GCN title.
Now, let's talk about creating Sims. The female's customization is very limited and even the largest female body size is set to go with America's unnaturally thin standards of beauty. Also, most of the females' clothes available show way too much skin. The male customization is very good, however, and even though they are still unnaturally thin, the accesories and clothing rock.
Now, for free play mode. I have only attempted this "family creator" once before, and gave up when my best attempt ended up looking like a man in drag. However, you can create adult and kid Sims and make the adults fall in love with one of the four Tutti boys or the four Tutti girls.
Now, onto the subject of decorating the houses. The tools are very easy to use and you can have your house looking like something out of a Martha Stewart catalog, something out of her prison cell, or anything you wish quick as a flash. Wall in your yards leaving a couple of easy entances and install burglar alarms on the outdoor walls to keep those cat burglars out of your house for good!
Now, for the other Sims. They seem to have a fairly wide variety of likeable Sims to befriend, although that annoying Vaugn Braugn won't let the SimDay go by without knocking on my door three times and staying for hours until he eventually leaves. He's not the only bad Sim, though. Oh, no. There are three bad Sims to keep out. The first one, the cat burglar, can only be stopped by burglar alarms. The second one, the social worker, will come and take your baby away if it cries for over a SimHour (One minute in real time) twice. Forget greeting her and opening the door; she barges in and takes it! The third and final Bad Sim, the Reaper, will restart you back at your last save point or delete your save file (I'm not sure which) if your Sim's hunger drops too low or they get severely burned/electrocuted by cooking/fixing appliances with low experience. To prevent: Simply keep your Sim well fed and make sure that they have at least one skill point in that job.
Now, for content. For some sexual material, don't buy this for anyone nine and under. Parents, don't worry. The reproductive cycle is not shown. Your spousal Sim will simply ask you if you want a kid after a passionate kiss. Say yes, and the screen goes black fo a second, then there is a tiny baby Sim living with you. It'll take three days to raise it to a kid. Three social worker-free days. After that, all you have to worry about is making sure that the kid gets good grades, or else, hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to military school we go!
Now, is this game right for <person>? This game takes a lot of patience and planning, so impatient people who leap before they look are out. The game also requires you to deal with things, so kids who like to scream at things that they're angry about will be yelling curses at the "Game Over" Reaper or the Social Worker for weeks.
Pros Excellent radio music. The Smooth Jazz station is the best in my opinion. Being able to fine-tune your Sim's personality is cool. Great graphics. Excellent gameplay. Controls can be learned in ten minutes with the help of the manual. Mosaics on all nudity. This is a must for when you accidentally scroll into the bathroom and see Mama Sim in the tub.
Cons Takes up 161 blocks of memory (a standard $20.00 card only has 251, and third-party cards cause defects). Eats up your time before you can say "Simoleon!" Friendships decrease quickly; try to call everyone once per day to make sure that you maintain a steady relationship. Takes a ton of patience.
All in all, five stars! To get the most of your SimTime, I reccomend buying a Memory Card 251, the official Prima Bustin' Out strategy guide, and perhaps a GBA-GCN link cable and the GBA version of the game.
Game rated T for Teen (13+) by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) for Crude Humor, Mild Violence, and Mature Sexual Themes.
0 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
Kool, Dec 20, 2022 This game is really kool i rented it... it's a really great game but i think u should rent it first..this game also took up (for me) 161 blocks on my memory card! the grafics are awsome and the clothes were great 2 but you really didnt get 2 go 2 a lot of places..and it's really not different from if u got the sims on game cube and u chose get a life it's really not different from that. so ya
0 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
The best way to have fun for hours and hours, Dec 11, 2022 This game is realy fun and you also learn skill building tips. I lovt to play this, you get to dress up your sim and fix up their hair skin color and other stuff! You can get maried or before that you can move into your moms house or your frienda houses! ITS WORTH THE MONEY!!
2 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
NOt that different, Nov 28, 2022 I got the game about a weeka ago thinking it was good and original because of the reviews i read. i started it out and it was really cool because of the graphics. I became bored and played it less and less. The concept is the same as the pc version and The bustin out part isnt all that. You are limited to certain places and can't do that much fun stuff. Interaction is basically the same and if you already have the sims for pc don't buy this. The game is not much different and it costs a lot of money.