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Bb Princess O F Ireland
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Product Details
  • Average Customer Review: 4.5 Based on 29 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 7717

Customer Reviews

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful:

5My favorite Barbie Princess, Dec 20, 2022
The princess of Ireland is my favorite from the Dolls of the World series that I own. I think her best feature is her dark red hair which is almost auburn in color. Her least appealing feature is her makeup, which features lipstick that is too dark for her complexion. I only rate the durability of the doll at 3 stars because she really isn't meant to be played with. I have not removed her from the box, or any of my other dolls from this series.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

5Lovely, Dec 20, 2022
This doll is, in my opinion, the prettiest Barbie doll from Ireland I've seen so far. She is built thin and with creamy white skin. Her make-up is very formal yet gorgeous, and her face has a sort of peacefulness to it. But her hair is definately one of the best parts about her! It is red and wavy with a small braid going down the front. It is also very long and is not easily matted. Her dress is decorative with a plastic gold-colored belt. A snap did break in the back where the dress buttons up, but it's hardly noticable. Over top of her dress she wears a forest green satin cape with a broach titled "The Tara Broach" that matches her belt. The crown is also nice, but I prefer her without it.

Overall, she is a lovely Barbie who is easily one of my favorites. She is meant to be collectible, but she isn't too accessorized or non-durable to be played with, which is how I use her. I think she is worthy of a high recommendation.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:

5Beautiful, Oct 21, 2023
This doll is so pretty. I have her and I love playing with her. I would not recommend her for kids under seven because she is very delicate. She is collectable too.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

4Princess of Ireland , Sep 15, 2023
This doll is very pretty. She has long wavy red hair, comes with a gold crown, velvet cape, and wears a beautiful green dress with a decorative belt that matches the crown. One of the better made Barbies, this doll has a nice face. Not one with too much make-up, but also not one with the usual Barbie grin.

Princess of Ireland Barbie is a collecter's doll, so don't be too upset if she breaks easier than some of your other dolls. Let me state that I've never had such problems with her, excluding the fact that one of the buttons broke on her dress, but that is incredibly minor, in my opinion.

I gave this doll stars for education, because on the back of the box she comes in, there is a story that goes with this doll, that, although fiction, can tell you a little about Irish heritage. I would recommend that you, if a Barbie fan, or someone in search of a good Barbie, not only buy this doll, but visit Barbie.Com to read more about the Irish Barbie, and about a real Irish girl, and her day-to-day life.

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:

3Beautifuly Made... but has flaws, Jul 28, 2023
The Doll in general, is very beautiful, with her auburn hair and pale "skin", But the outfit she comes with is not made very well. The cloak is very nice, but the dress looks like it was homemade. Also the doll is skinneier than other barbies so other clothes dont fit her right, also her feet are smaller making shoes not fit her. I think the beauty of the doll is more than enough to buy the doll though.


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