Hudson Valley Sudbury School

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ImageBarbie Beauty Styler
Platform: Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 95
Binding: CD-ROM

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List Price: $29.95
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Rating: 4.1
Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Ships from: duluth, ga
Comments: As In Picture ; sealed with artwork ;


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 Used  How does this work?
PriceConditionSeller Information

Rating: 5.0
Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Ships from: Columbus, OH
Comments: Some scratches but in good condition.


Rating: 4.5
Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Ships from: Eau Claire, WI
Comments: Disk and instructions, like brand new.


Rating: 4.7
Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Ships from: Wadsworth, oh


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Copyright © 2004 Hudson Valley Sudbury School