|  | Web Development with Java Server Pages | by Duane K. Fields, Mark A. Kolb | Publisher: Manning Pubns Co |  |  |  |  | List Price: | $44.95 | Availability: | This product is not available from any Amazon merchant. Please check for New and Used availability below. | Edition: | Paperback |  | |
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|  | |  |  |  | Editorial Reviews:
Amazon.com Web Development with JavaServer Pages is truly an excellent and in-depth tutorial in the effective use of JSPs to build Web applications. Geared toward the Web designer or intermediate Java programmer who's making a transition to JSPs for the first time, this text contains a wealth of information on basic and advanced techniques. This tutorial is as good as any that's available, and covers all of the necessary JSP directives and syntax. For each directive, possible attributes are listed in convenient tables, which makes this also a worthwhile reference to everyday JSP development that explores the nooks and crannies of JSP APIs, and how pages are built (and cached) on today's JSP platforms. Web Development with JavaServer Pages also does a good job of showing how to design JavaBean components and integrate them into your JSPs through tags. (Ideally, beans should do the calculation and "thinking" on the middle tier, while JSPs work on the front end.) You'll learn the right way to proceed with JSPs and beans--reinforced via a number of effective code samples. A larger example, a Web database of frequently asked questions (FAQs), demonstrates the big picture with JSPs and beans. Final chapters turn toward a useful aspect of JSP, custom tags, which allow Java programmers to extend the set of available tags for JSP front-end designers. There's even a sample of interactive tags, in which tags work together with other tags, with sample code. Filled with plenty of details that carry the reader well beyond the basics, this text is one of the better available tutorials for learning JSPs. Its no-nonsense presentation style and useful examples can help put JSP development into the hands of anyone who has some prior HTML or Java experience. --Richard Dragan Topics covered: - Overview of JavaServer Pages (JSPs)
- Server-side scripting languages, compared
- The advantages of Java servlets and JSPs
- Tutorial for basic JSP (tags and directives, expressions and scriptlets, flow control, and comments)
- JSP implicit objects, including request, response, and out
- Tutorial for simple JavaBean components
- The JSP useBean, setProperty, and getProperty tags
- Defining bean properties, including indexed properties
- Sample beans for JSPs
- Quick tutorial for JDBC and Java database programming
- Web application architecture using JSPs and beans
- Servlets vs. JSPs
- Introduction to Enterprise JavaBeans
- Case study for an FAQ database
- Web archive (WAR) files, and deploying JSP-based Web applications
- Advanced topics in JSP development, including using cookies, error pages, JavaScript, and validating HTML form data
- Sample JSPs, including banner ads and a random-quote generator
- Custom tag libraries (basic and advanced interactive tags)
- Running Tomcat
- Combining JSPs with applets
- JSP syntax reference
|  |  |  | Product Details
- Paperback: 554 pages
- Publisher: Manning Pubns Co; edition (May 15, 2023)
- ISBN: 1884777996
- Average Customer Review:
Based on 84 reviews. - Amazon.com Sales Rank: 241885
|  |  |  | Customer Reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
Best JSP book, Aug 20, 2023 This has been a very good buy for me. It explains all the JSP concepts well and also has very good information on javabeans. If you're a beginner with little or no knowledge in JSP, then this is a great place to start with.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
Excellent Coverage of Web Development Using JSP, Aug 3, 2023 When I first got a hold of this book 6 months ago, I didn't like it at all. At that time I knew nothing about Servlet, JSP, and JavaBean. After reading a few books ( Murach's Java Servlets & JSP, Inside Servlets, SCWCD Exam Study Kit), I decided to go through this book again to see if I could learn a thing or two from the authors. To my surprise, I learned a lot more than I thought. If you are thinking about building a dynamic web site, read this book first before you do so.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Amazing JSP introduction book, Mar 2, 2023 This book can also be used as reference.Great care is also shown in providing lot of code examples that are on the point in each chapter. My favourite chapters are "Filters and listeners", "design choices in case of an enterprise system"(whole chapter is dedicated for this) and "how to build custom tags". Authors approach not only enriches a programmer's mind with JSP details but also in a way that is longlasting.
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Great book but not for NEW JSP programmers, Oct 1, 2023 Several months ago I was tasked with building several web applications using Java Server pages and had practically NO time to learn and even less help from peers.I purchased this book and Core Servlets and Java Server pages and for the first 7 months trying to use this book just resulted in pissing me off. HOWEVER, now that I've become relatively fluent in Servlet/JSP applications I find that this book DOES have some very useful information and I use it more than I use Core. I recommend that if you're new to JSPs and can only buy one book, buy Core, if you can get two..and are intent on building complex dynamic server side applications BUY BOTH, you'll need this one later!!
1 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
A very nice JSP book, Jun 3, 2023 It covers JSP in pretty detail and in simple language.
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