|  | Enterprise JavaBeans (3rd Edition) | by Richard Monson-Haefel | Publisher: O'Reilly |  |  |  |  | List Price: | $44.95 | Availability: | This product is not available from any Amazon merchant. Please check for New and Used availability below. | Edition: | Paperback |  | |
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Amazon.com As many Java developers and IS managers already know, Sun's powerful Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) technology offers an attractive option for developing server-side components. A suitable read for both managers and Java programmers, Enterprise JavaBeans provides a surprisingly clear and engaging introduction to designing and programming with EJBs. The tour of the EJB component model presented here centers on several beans created and tested for a travel reservation system in a fictitious cruise ship company. The samples are just right in scale, large enough to test out key concepts in design and deployment, but small enough to be comprehensible, even to those who are not Java experts. The author pays close attention to the real-world issues of deployment with EJBs (as well as the differences among the vendor application servers that run them). While there are enough details in Java syntax for designing both entity and session beans for the developer, sections on design here will please those who manage projects without delving much into code. Later, the author shows various ways to design entity and session beans. (For instance, entity beans can allow their bean containers to handle the details of connecting to a database, or they can do it themselves. This book demonstrates both approaches.) When it comes to session beans (which "wire" together entity beans to do real work), the author's introduction to managing state and transactions is also a standout. Tips for performance and reusability close out the book. In all, Enterprise JavaBeans provides an engaging tour of one of the most promising component technologies. It's technically astute, but thoroughly approachable too, and can serve the needs of any manager or Java developer considering EJBs for future projects. --Richard Dragan Topics covered: Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) basics, distributed architectures, Component Transaction Monitors (CTMs), bean-containers, home and remote bean interfaces, resource management, configuring EJB servers, entity beans, JNDI, container-managed and bean-managed persistence, session beans, stateless and stateful beans, transactions, design and performance hints. |  |  |  | Product Details
- Paperback: 550 pages
- Publisher: O'Reilly; edition (Oct 15, 2023)
- ISBN: 0596002262
- Average Customer Review:
Based on 159 reviews. - Amazon.com Sales Rank: 121366
|  |  |  | Customer Reviews
0 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Excellent reference for EJB, May 10, 2023 First note that I am a long-time OO developer, but relative newcomer to Java and J2EE. With barely a year under my belt of Java, JSPs, and Servlets, I found this book an excellent learning resource for EJB. Were I a rank beginner, I think I may have been lost.
I had the luck (?) to have begun reading the
0 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
People are whispering about it., Jan 7, 2023 very clear explanation, deep enough for developers.Should buy quickly otherwise out of stock.
1 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
Very Good, Jan 5, 2023 This is a great book, I finally finished it and I think it gives a good undestanding of EJB
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
An excellent book on Enterprise Java beans, Oct 18, 2023
overall value of the book: 5=Well done! This book will be a valuable teaching and reference tool.
Instructional value of the book: 4=I would recommend this book to someone interested in its topic.
Reference value of this book: 4=This book has earned a valued place on my reference shelf.
This book provides a good insight into enterprise java beans. although, this book is NOT intended to
be for beginners of Java, fundamental concepts of each aspect of EJB are explained. the book assumes
a prior knowledge of java and assumes experience developing business applications. after an initial
explanation of the conxepts, the book dives deep into the nuts and bolts of EJB.
the author has taken the time to explain the concepts with sample code, schematic code, and screen
prints to explain the contents of the chapter. the concepts of states and session in the context of
an EJB are well explained in this book. the book further explains the container-managed persistence
(CMP) and the relationships among those objects. a sample reservation system is used to explain how
to use beans for an RDBMS encountered in the business world.
the book also contains a workbook for JBoss and appropriate exercises for the contents of different
chapters applicable to JBOSS.
this is a well written book and it has found a place in my reference shelf.
Ravi Mahalingam Java Users Group, Columbia, SC.
1 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Needs improvement, Sep 5, 2023 I like my mix to be a combo of theory and technical step by step instruction. The first seventy pages are theory overkill, but you really get lost by page 99 where he lists four class files you are supposed to have written but he's only given you the CabinBean.class and two others that arent on the list. Very confusing. I am now looking at Applied Enterprise JavaBeans Technology by Kevin Boone.
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