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Define "Normal"
by Julie Anne Peters
Publisher: Megan Tingley
List Price: $16.95
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Reading Level: Young Adult
Edition: Hardcover
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Product Details
  • Hardcover: 144 pages
  • Publisher: Megan Tingley; edition (Apr 1, 2023)
  • ISBN: 0316706310
  • Average Customer Review: 4.5 Based on 51 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 253966

Customer Reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:

5THE BEST BOOK EVER, Apr 3, 2023
This book was great. It mixed in all difforent problems we have to deal with growing up, and showed you how to deal with them.It made me laugh and made me sad, but it was so good I could not stop reading it!I could really relate to how Jazz felt at parts, and understand how Antonia felt about what she had to do. It was GREAT! Definatly a two thumbs up!

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:

5Vice Principal wants every teacher to read it, Feb 1, 2023
A reviewer isn't all that impressed, calling the subject matter "well trod"--so what? Students and teachers alike find this book true and meaningful, and one of our high school's VP's really did say that she wishes every teacher had to read it. The idea that people's appearances can be deceiving may have been done before, but this book makes readers care about the characters and why they present themselves as they do. Physical appearance is a very strong communication, and we can all use a reminder that it tells only part of each person's story. I can't remember any student even being neutral about this book; it's a winner.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

5Define "NORMAL", Jan 27, 2023
Define Normal is a really good book about two girls who would have never become friends ever because they are toatal oposites.
Antonia is an over-achiver who doesn't have many friends because she's always doing her homework, or taking care of her little brothers because her mom has a problem and there're family doesn't have much money after her dad left.
Jazz is a punk girl with punk friends who hates preps and everyone else for that madder. She even hates her own parents who happen to be rich and get her everything she wants which is deffenly not the same with Antonia. And acording to everyone Jazz is just bad news.
But when they have to do peer conusling together they start to realize that through all their differnts they still can be friends. And when Antonia's mom is missing and she needs help finding her and her brothers, Jazz is right there to help.
This is a really good book that shows no madder how diffrent you are you could still be friends with someone toataly diffrent. And that you shouldn't judge someone before you know them because they might just be the toatal opisite of what you think they are and that you might just become best friends. Everyone could enjoy this book and I think every one should read it!!

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:

5Define "NORMAL", Jan 27, 2023
Define Normal is a really good book about two girls who would have never become friends ever because they are toatal oposites.
Antonia is an over-achiver who doesn't have many friends because she's always doing her homework, or taking care of her little brothers because her mom has a problem and there're family doesn't have much money after her dad left.
Jazz is a punk girl with punk friends who hates preps and everyone else for that madder. She even hates her own parents who happen to be rich and get her everything she wants which is deffenly not the same with Antonia. And acording to everyone Jazz is just bad news.
But when they have to do peer conusling together they start to realize that through all their differnts they still can be friends. And when Antonia's mom is missing and she needs help finding her and her brothers, Jazz is right there to help.
This is a really good book that shows no madder how diffrent you are you could still be friends with someone toataly diffrent. And that you shouldn't judge someone before you know them because they might just be the toatal opisite of what you think they are and that you might just become best friends. Everyone could enjoy this book and I think every one should read it!!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

4Tone & Jazz, Jan 18, 2023
Let me start off by telling you that I loved this book!!! It was so real and had these life-like charcters! I loved it!

Anyway, this book starts off in the peer conseling room with Jazz and Antonia. They are totally differnt people, as we can tell for sure, right from the beginning. Tone seems to express herself with her school work and picking up the slack at home. Jazz seems to have a very real perspective on life. Even though Tone (Antonia) describes her as a punker, a druggie, and a gang hanger they become friends by Tone getting into some trouble at home. After this event Tone really needs someone to be her friend for once. They keep talking at peer sessions and Tone fights with herself because of her mom being clinicly depressed. ( I know!! Tough to go through!). Anyway, soon Jazz has quit the one thing se love (piano) and Tone can't let this happen so she soon replaces the peer session with Jazz playing the piano!

In the end everything works out but I wouln't tell you exactly what happens because that would totally ruin this ausome story. Anyway,I give Julie Anne Peters props for writing this book. Great charcters and situations!! Loved it! I totally recomend this book. Also I love this tittle, Define "Normal". Thats my question for the day. No my intire life.

Define "Normal"!!



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