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Anycom Inc CC3142 Bluetooth Mouse Red
Price: $40.99
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
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Price: $40.99
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Product Details
  • Average Customer Review: 3.0 Based on 1 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 10757

Customer Reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:

3cute but not perfect, May 1, 2023
I confess. It was the design that lured me to buy this one. This is not a bad mouse, but there are some flaws.

First impression: I rip the box open and take a look at the mouse. The surface is flat out sexy; looks kind of like velvet. It is small. Real small. But I wanted to try a mini mouse so i'm not going to complain when I have to sell it because I don't want carpal tunnel. The battery compartment was a little stiff but I got it to cooperate. It was tricky to pair it to my mac but what you have to do is press the connect button on the mouse while your computer is searching for it. After that it worked. The three dots on top of the mouse that look like LED lights; they are decoration.

After further use: Don't have carpal tunnel yet but it starts to hurt rather fast if I use it while sitting in certain positions. Since I can't tell how much battery life I have, the only way I know its about to die is when it sporatically starts disconnecting. Otherwise, battery life is ok.

My biggest boast: The charger is AWESOME because you can use it while it charges.

My biggest beef: If you leave the mouse idle for about 10 minutes, charging or not, it basically goes to entirely to sleep. Specifically, the Bluetooth module inside the mouse goes to sleep along with the rest of the mouse and you have to move the mouse for about 5 seconds before it awakes itself and gets reconnected. Isn't that what the on/off switch is for?

Overall: Installation may be tricky for novices. Probably not for big hands, but hey I still have it. AWESOME looks. AWESOME charger. LOUSY idle cycle.

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