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Live Wrong Bracelet - Black
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Editorial Reviews:


Product Details
  • Average Customer Review: 4.0 Based on 16 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 2

Customer Reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

5Tell ya what...., Apr 4, 2023
If you are upset about this being mean towards the stupid yellow bands, why not buy one of each? You'll be helping with the whole cancer thing, and the yellow and black look FABULOUS together.

And if your THAT bothered about stupid cancer awarness, then just donate a load of cash!!! Why bother with the bands?

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful:

5GET A LIFE!!!!, Mar 31, 2023
I donate $200 each year to fight Lukemia through Team In Training. To all those who have criticized this product, please GET A LIFE!!!! In the time it took you to get emotionally distraught over this little item and post your criticism, many people have died of cancer, AIDS, war, etc. I bought a "LIVESTRONG" band, and I can tell you that if I buy the "LIVEWRONG" band, it's not taking away from cancer research because I'm not going to buy another yellow band! So instead of fomenting conflict on Amazon's review board, just get a life, help out where you can, and understand that this bracelet is nothing more than a cheap laugh. And if you are really concerned about this product taking away from cancer awareness or research, put your money where your mouth is and make a pledge to donate $1 to cancer research for each "LIVEWRONG" band sold. For those of you who don't think this is funny, pop another Xanax and get on with your uptight little lives. The only reason I won't buy it is because the shipping is $7.43. Now that's something to be pissed off about!!!

0 of 6 people found the following review helpful:

1How sad., Mar 30, 2023
Okay, I can't believe someone is mimicking the cancer awareness bracelets with something that states 'live wrong.' Make a t-shirt or something, why copy something that is supposed to stand for something good, something unselfish, something of hope and love? How truly sad...

1 of 16 people found the following review helpful:

5this is the worst thing in the entire world!!!!!, Mar 10, 2023
This bracelet and the people who made it are worse than cancer or aids or tsunamis or any of that other supposedly bad stuff. I wouldnt wear it if it was the last piece of clothing left on earth, and it was just me and paris hilton left on a tropical island after a nuclear war. if it was either this bracelet or nothing i would throw it into the sea, and paris and i would live naked on the tropical island and have so many babies. we would live like royalty with pet dolphins and a beach hut made of cash.

14 of 15 people found the following review helpful:

5here's an idea, Mar 9, 2023
It bothers me that everyone buys these LiveStrong bracelets or tsunami bracelets or whatever bracelets and think they are helping... they are (slightly) but it would be so much better if they just donated money to one of these causes instead of buying something. Whenever you see someone wearing a bracelet saying they support a cause you have to ask yourself whether they support a cause or are trying to be fashonable. At least the liveWrong bracelet is a cause we can understand.

**As a note to the people who posted against the LiveWrong bracelet: do you wear any of the other charitable bracelets? if you do... take it off... stop wearing it... it's the donation that matters right?


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