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Emergency Medicine Questions Pearls of Wisdom
by Stewart, Fay, Sharon Krieger, Rebecca Schmidt, Thomas Vallombroso, Advanced Life Support Group, Hatcher, Dawson, Tylee, Malik, Galley, McCluskey, Warren Sanger, William Beachley, Steven Yun, William Schwer, Mary T. Dorn, Elaine St. Johns, John Trestrail, Robert Krause, Lance W. Kreplick, Scott H. Plantz, Jesse A. Cole
Publication Date: Jun 15, 2001
List Price: $47.95
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1 New or Used from: $47.77
Critical Care Focus 6: Cardiology
by Helen F. Galley, Galley, Woolf, Silagy, Haines, Knotterus, Marinker, Scully, Connelly, Charles, Cooklin, Hall, Dawson, Tylee, Rowbotham, Trowell, Fell, Malik, Advanced Life Support Group, McCluskey, Stewart, Taylor, Nunn, Lask, Fay, Dollinger, Sharon Krieger, Rebecca Schmidt, Thomas Vallombroso, Warren Sanger, William Beachley, Donald Kushner, Guy Haskell, Steven Yun, William Schwer, Mary T. Dorn, John Trestrail, Lance W. Kreplick, Scott H. Plantz, Jesse A. Cole
Publication Date: Jul 15, 2001
List Price: $24.95
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Availability: Special Order
2 New or Used from: $22.99
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