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Displaying 1 to 8 (of 8 results) 1 
Building Robots With Lego Mindstorms : The Ultimate Tool for Mindstorms Maniacs
by Mario Ferrari, Giulio Ferrari, Ralph Hempel
Publication Date: Dec 15, 2001
List Price: $29.95
Price: $19.77  You Save: $10.18 (33.99%)
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
48 New or Used from: $14.11
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Price: $19.77
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
LEGO Mindstorms Masterpieces: Building Advanced Robots
by Mario Ferrari, Ralph Hempel, Doug Carlson, Giulio Ferrari, Kevin Clague, J. P. Brown
Publication Date: 
List Price: $49.95
Price: $32.97  You Save: $16.98 (33.99%)
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
11 New or Used from: $30.49
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Price: $32.97
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Programming Lego Mindstorms with Java (With CD-ROM)
by Dario Laverde, Giulio Ferrari, Jurgen Stuber
Publication Date: 
List Price: $29.95
Price: $19.77  You Save: $10.18 (33.99%)
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
29 New or Used from: $15.95
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Price: $19.77
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
10 Cool LEGO Mindstorms Ultimate Builder Projects: Amazing Projects You Can Build in Under an Hour
by Mario Ferrari, Stephen Cavers, Giulio Ferrari
Publication Date: Sep 10, 2002
List Price: $24.95
Price: $16.47  You Save: $8.48 (33.99%)
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
41 New or Used from: $15.32
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Price: $16.47
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Building and Programming LEGO Mindstorms Robots Kit
by Mario Ferrari, Ralph Hempel, Giulio Ferrari
Publication Date: 
List Price: $54.95
Price: $36.27  You Save: $18.68 (33.99%)
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
34 New or Used from: $32.00
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Price: $36.27
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Detection Algorithms for Wireless Communications : With Applications to Wired and Storage Systems
by Gianluigi Ferrari, Giulio Colavolpe, Riccardo Raheli
Publication Date: Oct 15, 2004
List Price: $130.00
Price: $97.25  You Save: $32.75 (25.19%)
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
39 New or Used from: $88.90
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Price: $97.25
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Command of the Air
by Giulio Douhet, Dino Ferrari
Publication Date: 
List Price: $25.00
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1 New or Used from: $3.99
Il ferro nell'arte italiana: Centosettanta tavole riproduzioni in parte inedite di 368 soggetti del medio evo, del rinascimento, del periodo barocco e neo-classico (Collezione artistica Hoepli)
by Giulio Ferrari
Publication Date: Apr 30, 2005
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Copyright © 2004 Hudson Valley Sudbury School