Customer Reviews
12 of 12 people found the following review helpful:
ball pit balls great things, Oct 2, 2023 First of all I'd like to say that the ball pits I think are great toys for children and adults of all ages not only for fun value but for coodination development. Being 22 year old artist myself and having a ball pit in my room that will acomodate two large adults fully burried I can say I have a lot of imput on ball durability. The hedstrom balls are good and have relatively good crush resistance despite the fact that usually one or two come crushed in the box but if you count them usually there are over a hundred in the box anyway to account for such mishaps. In my opinion the fisher price brand is better for durability as well as it has some different colors in it but is more expensive when bought in the stores. However I must say there is a knock off brand out there available at a common retail store the brand is called intex and they're are the best quality and the lowest price I've found. So there you have it if your in a pinch all three brands are quality balls but if you have the time to shop around there are choices out there
6 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
Cheap - Fun - Entertainment, Aug 7, 2023 My son was 10 months old when I decided to buy a ball pit - he is now 12 months. Instead of paying the HIGH dollar price ...+ of the real "ball pit" I bought an infant inflatable swimming pool ...(1 ft deep x 4 ft wide). I then poured the box of 100 balls in it. It looks like a real ball pit without paying the high price.... He loves it!!! He is always jumping it, throwing the balls out or back in, and sometimes he will just sit there and swish them around. Is has become one of his favorite play items. Major PLUS - It serves as two functions a pool or a ball pit. Also, can be used in or outside and it also doesn't take up much room.
9 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
Unlike others, I was totally happy, Feb 27, 2023 We got these balls to go with the Megaland Playset. The box wasn't crushed, and either were any balls - we bought during the holiday rush, too. The colors are bright and vibrant (excellent for teaching colors and counting). Durable - I found that they are very durable. The only thing that has crushed any of them is the jaws of our 100 pound Shiloh Shepherd which we decided should be allowed to play too. Prices, I can't comment on - but we paid the same here as they are at the local department store. In addition to that, I didn't shop for lower prices because I figured that the time I spent running around or searching the internet (gas and time), it was better for me just to add these in with my order.
14 of 15 people found the following review helpful:
Better balls available elsewhere, Jan 5, 2023 We purchased two boxes of these balls to go into my 18-month-old's ball pit. Many of them came crushed in the box, and there is no way to reshape them. I found 55 balls for $10, and they were much sturdier and did not crush. They are just as soft, but maintain their shape.
2 of 10 people found the following review helpful:
Pit Balls, What Would I Do Without Them?, Dec 17, 2022 I am 18 years old. I just bought myself 1000 pit balls for my bedroom and I have never been happier. It allows me to remenisce about my childhood. Going to Burger King and jumping in the balls with my friends. Now I know about the sanitaion of my own balls instead of other people's balls. I think everyone should try out these pit balls for themselves to experience the thrill your children will have when you buy them these balls.