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Ultimate Accessory
List Price: $49.99
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Editorial Reviews:

Editorial Review
"We can rebuild this LEGO; we have the technology!" If your dream toy is a home-designed, home-built robot that leaps tall buildings at your command--and doesn't cost $6 million--you'll want this add-on kit for the Robotics Invention System or Robotics Discovery Set. The MINDSTORMS set contains 45 pieces, including a touch sensor, rotation sensor, and extra building elements. Best of all, though, is the 16-button remote: for the price of two AA batteries, it will give you mastery of your creation from up to 20 feet away. And if you're sufficiently into bionics to make your robot humanoid, it may even bear just a tiny resemblance to the rock-jawed (or was that titanium-jawed?) bionic man, Lee Majors. --Richard Farr

Product Details
  • Average Customer Review: 5.0 Based on 3 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 20094

Customer Reviews

5 of 8 people found the following review helpful:

5This the best toy, Dec 6, 2022
Make your inventions more powerful!

Expand your robots capabilities with these MINDSTORMS accessories. Includes a remote control, 1 touch sensor, 1 highly precise rotation sensor, LEGO Lamp, extra LEGO pieces and a Constructopedia which contains detailed instructions of how each sensor should be used for maximum robotic performance. Requires #9747 or #9719 Robotics Invention System or #9735 Robotics Discovery Set for use. Remote control requires 2AA batteries (not included).

12 of 16 people found the following review helpful:

5A needed accessory to the Lego Mindstorms kit., Nov 3, 2022
Not only do you get extra parts in this kit, but you also get the Lego remote, which is useful for controlling your robots from up to 20 feet.

33 of 34 people found the following review helpful:

5Another Great Addon for Lego Mindstorms, Jul 9, 2023
This expansion set for the Lego Mindstorms series includes three items, which are of the most value in the kit - a remote control, a rotation sensor and a spare touch sensor. Also included are a few assorted parts.

The remote control offers a greater control over the RCX (the programmable brick in the Lego Mindstorms series). It allows you t start and stop any of the five programs on the brick, manipulate each of the three outputs individually (i.e. turn the motors on and off and alter their direction). The RCX can be turned off - and a button is there to make it beep. The remote is a great way to stop the motors before your robot drives off of a table, or rams into a wall, potentially destroying hours of work.

Lego's rotation sensor can be used in a variety of applications. The sensor measures the rotation of an axle in units of sixteen. This could be used for taking a measure of distance, or counting the number of axle rotations in a period of time.

The touch sensors are always handy for all sorts of robot building, from remote controls to bumpers; an extra is always useful.


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