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Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb : Prima's Official Strategy Guide (Prima's Official Strategy Guides)
by Mark Cohen, Prima Temp Authors
Publisher: Prima Games
List Price: $14.99
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Edition: Paperback
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Editorial Reviews:

Book Description
Whip It!
·Comprehensive overview of all weapons and items
·Combat strategies for ranged and hand-to-hand fighting
·Exhaustive walkthrough for all 10 levels
·Proven solutions to all puzzles
·Effective strategies for every mini-game
·Where to find all three pieces of the Mirror of Dreams
·Locations of all MedKits, Water Fountains, and Ammo packs
·How to climb, swing, and roll through any terrain

Product Details
  • Paperback: 112 pages
  • Publisher: Prima Games; edition (Feb 25, 2023)
  • ISBN: 0761542337
  • Sales Rank: 398668


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